• ​39-41 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough, VIC, 3088
  • 8:00am-7:30pm Monday to Friday

Weight Management

Weight Management

​At Greensborough Nutrition, we understand that nutrition does not have a one size fits all approach. We know that weight management can be addressed in several ways. Our Dietitians work with you to find an approach that suits you.

​This may be through the non-diet approach which has more of a focus around eating patterns and mindful eating practices or it may be more traditional and targeted, such as meal ideas, recipe modifications and appropriate portion sizes. For those needing to gain weight, our Dietitians can assist you to choose nutritious foods to maintain or increase your weight.

Let us get you there!

Greensborough Nutrition can help with:

  • Provide you will meal and snack ideas suitable for your goals
  • Provide an individualised approach to suit you
  • Monitor health outcomes such as weight, blood test results, energy levels and fitness levels
  • Optimise your nutritional intake
At Greensborough Nutrition, we recommend regular review consultations so that we can support you by assessing your progress, reviewing your management plan, provide motivational support and provide accountability.