• ​39-41 Grimshaw Street, Greensborough, VIC, 3088
  • 8:00am-7:30pm Monday to Friday

Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Disease is an autoimmune condition whereby the body reacts to gluten. Coeliac Disease affects approximately 1 in 70 Australians. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and oat based products. Left untreated, Coeliac Disease can cause damage to the small intestine, which can result in a number of health concerns such as nutrient malabsorption, inflammation, osteoporosis and weight loss. Our Dietitians can assist you to adopt a gluten free diet that fits into your lifestyle and will help you to navigate the world of gluten free products, whilst optimising your nutrition intake.
Can you eat oats on a gluten free diet?
Oats and Coeliac Disease is certainly a controversial topic. There remains some uncertainty regarding whether oats are harmful for those with Coeliac Disease. Currently, the recommendation in Australia is to avoid oats, unless otherwise specified by your medical specialist. The Australian Food Standard currently prohibits oats to be labelled as gluten free, however you may see oats labelled as wheat free- this does not mean those with Coeliac Disease are able to eat these oats, unless otherwise specified by a medical professional

Studies have shown that pure, uncontaminated oats are safely tolerated by some people with Coeliac Disease, however in others, oat consumption can trigger an immune response. Individuals who wish to consume oats as part of their diet, need to do so under medical supervision.

We're here to help!

Our Dietitians can help with

  • Initial dietary education on Coeliac Disease
  • Navigating label reading
  • Recipe modification
  • Managing travelling and eating out
  • Preventing possible nutrient deficiencies
  • Providing therapeutic diet advice for symptoms of digestive upset